Last Updated:
23rd, Feb 2006, 10:16 GMT
Release History (Most Recent First)
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Beta 0.3
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The beta release is over a year in the making and is by far the biggest
release of JOGRE. There have been massive changes and additions in almost
every part of JOGRE.
- Eleven new games:
- Car tricks (Richard Walter)
- Chinese Checkers (Richard Walter)
- Go (Bob Marks)
- Grand Prix Jumping (Richard Walter)
- Hex (Richard Walter)
- Ninty Nine (Richard Walter)
- Points Total (Richard Walter)
- Quetris (Bob Marks)
- Texas Hold'em (Richard Walter)
- Triangulum (Richard Walter)
- Warwick (Richard Walter)
- Generic abstract board components for hexagonal and triangular boards.
- Player components which provide another way to join a table.
- Game generator which creates the basic files, which all games use,
by simply supplying a game_key and using templates. These files
include Java source, ANT scripts, batch and properties files.
- Much improved graphics, including a JOGRE title images which each game
must have on to the top left and a game specific image on the top right.
- New glass pane which can be use to draw graphics over the top of games.
It is used by the API to inform users to click "start" and also
displaying game over messages etc.
- Full database support for persistent data in the jogre server i.e.
implementation of ServerDataDB class. Database access is achieved
using the iBatis library. Also if a JOGRE server is running its
data persistence as a database for the first time, it will run a load
script which creates tables, populates test data etc. MySQL and HSQLDB
database are currently supported.
- Much more unit testing i.e. 37 JUnit class containing a total of 75
classes. All database SQL queries (in iBatis maps) are fully tested
in JUnit tests using the DBUnit library and an in-memory HSQLDB
database. The database tests can ensure that all database SQL class
are fully supported / working correctly in JOGRE. To test a new
database works with JOGRE is simply a matter of updating the test
database connection and returning the database test suite.
- First pass at a web application, programmed using the Struts library.
This is database driven (using iBatis) and allows a user to register,
log on and play the games as applets.
- Server administrator which replaces the old Server GUI wrapper. The
administrator acts as a client, i.e. administrator must log onto a
running Jogre Server with an admin username and password. The Jogre
Administrator can also remotely view the current state of the JOGRE
server i.e. games running, users etc. It can also remotely update the
server configuration (server.xml file) in a graphical manner and view
persistent data (XML and database).
- Language utility to edit all the language Strings in one place (still
in progress).
- Updated connect 4 tutorial which shows the power of Beta 0.3.
- Minor changes / improvements all over JOGRE, including the API, Server,
Games etc.
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Alpha 0.2.3
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Alpha 0.2.3 is a major change from 0.2.2 in every aspect of JOGRE. This includes:
- New tetris game which is a break away from the previous turn
based style games such as chess, checkers etc.
- Six other new games:
- Battleships (Gman)
- Spades (Gman)
- Dots (Gman)
- Octagons (Richard Walter)
- Camelot (Richard Walter)
- Go (still in progress)
- Server persistent data using IServerData interface. The
server can call this interface anywhere. Implementations
of the interface include ServerDataXML (using the dom4j
library), ServerDataDB (database support not implemented
yet) and ServerDataJogreDotOrg (socket connection to
"jogre.org" server also not implemented).
- ELO rating system which saves the rating of a user at a
game using the new server persistent data engine.
- New rules engine which is supported in all games but
currently only implemented in "camelot". A rules button
will be enabled on the main client window if the rules
are available for that game.
- There is also applet support and each game is supported.
Changes have been made to how games load up images so
that applet support is available. A HTML file is
available called "applet_test" for testing the various
games as applets. Thanks starsinthesky for this work!
- The connection dialog has now changed from being a dialog
to a panel. This is a lot more powerful from what it used to
be e.g. if a connection wasn't available the dialog would
- More advanced server controllers which can hold the state of a
game on the server. This game state can be transported to
clients in a <join_table> message when that user joins a game
in progress. Server controllers are loaded using a proper
plug-in architecture so there is no need to define a hugh
CLASSPATH to link to all the games a server hosts.
- Graphics vastly improved. This includes coloured backgrounds,
fonts, table layouts and small coloured squares to show the
rating of a user.
- Server and clients fully multi-language compatible. Resource
bundles still need to be done for a variety of languages.
- Invite button moved from the main window the each game window.
This is a more natural place to put it.
- The connect 4 tutorial has been updated for 0.2.3 and shows
off some of the new power which is available (e.g. server
state, server game overs / ratings, applet support).
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Alpha 0.2.2
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Alpha 0.2.2 concentrates mostly on improving the communication protocol:
- There exists a global build file for compiling API, Games and Server (in that order).
This will make building all of jogre very quick and easy.
- New game Reversi by Anton Ugnich.
- Scaling of interfaces has been updated by Alex Torkhov.
- First pass at internationalisation by Alex Torkhov.
- Refactored start () method from JogreModel to JogreController.
- Major cleanup of communication objects by removing attributes
from abstract Comm classes e.g. Removed gameID from
CommGameMessage.java as this is set in the
ServerConnectionThread when a client sucessfully connects.
Communication is much leaner. e.g. Refactored CommTableAction
into a number of easier to understand classes such as
CommSitDown, CommStartGame, etc.
- Changed architecture from 3 layers to 2 (no base layer).
Deleted CommBaseMessage class and refactored most of attributes and
methods into the CommGameMessage class. Delegation between
the server/client threads is done by detecting the existance
of a "table" attribute.
- New abstract ServerController class which removes redundant
server interfaces (IGameParser and ITableParser). The methods
from these two interfaces are now empty adapter methods.
This class also contains property methods which mirror that
of the client JogreController. The ServerGameParser and
ServerTableParser classes still exist but have been renamed
to ServerTableController and ServerGameController.
A new document "protocol.htm" has been released on the website.
This should encourage others to creates clients for a JOGRE
server e.g. (JOGRE for Mobile phone clients).
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Alpha 0.2.1
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Alpha 0.2.1 builds on the 0.2 release:
- New JogrePropertyHash and ITransmittableWithProps interface
for sending simple properties in a communication object. This
was required to get the connect 4 tutorial on web site.
- Data classes (e.g. Table, PlayerList etc) have read / write
locks and also extend the Observable class.
- New GUI wrapper for the server in a new server package called
org.jogre.server.awt. The Server GUI wrapper shows the
structure of the data classes as a GUI tree and also shows the
console, incomming and outgoing messages.
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Alpha 0.2
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Alpha 0.2 is the second public release of JOGRE and cosists of a much more
modified API, a seperate multi game server and 4 Games. Its includes:
- Single server model which uses a plug-in style architecture
which can support multiple games. Data is organised on server
GameList -> Game -> TableList -> Table -> PlayerList -> Player
-> UserList -> User
- Server classes have been split from the API. This makes the
API more client centric which means slimer clients.
- Communications object all use XML (Nano XML) for communication
and data binding. This was deemed a necessary step as all the
communication was getting very complex.
- Powerful layering system for communication which removes
manual delegation between a client frame and a table frame in a
game. Each message is either 1) Base 2) Game 3) Table
- New game (connect 4)
- More powerful client controller which can send / receive
simple propertiess and XML objects easily without creatin
Comm objects.
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Alpha 0.1
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Alpha 0.1 is the first public release of JOGRE and cosists of an API
and 3 Games.
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