Uses of Class

Packages that use ClientConnectionThread
org.jogre.client This package contains non-visual classes which only the client makes use of including the network connection, the game model and controller. 
org.jogre.client.awt This package contains visual classes which aid the creation of games. 

Uses of ClientConnectionThread in org.jogre.client

Methods in org.jogre.client that return ClientConnectionThread
 ClientConnectionThread TableConnectionThread.getClientConnectionThread()
          Return the client connection thread which is a field.

Constructors in org.jogre.client with parameters of type ClientConnectionThread
TableConnectionThread(ClientConnectionThread conn, int tableNum)
          Constructor which takes a ClientConnectionThread and a table number.

Uses of ClientConnectionThread in org.jogre.client.awt

Methods in org.jogre.client.awt with parameters of type ClientConnectionThread
 void JogreClientFrame.connectOK(ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Method which is called when a client connects successfully.
 ChatPrivateDialog JogreClientFrame.getChatPrivateDialog(String usernameTo, ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Delegate method for receiving a private chat message.
 void JogreClientFrame.getPropertyDialog(ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Delegate method for popping up a game property dialog box
 void JogreClientApplet.connectOK(ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Method which is called when a client connects successfully.
 ChatPrivateDialog JogreClientApplet.getChatPrivateDialog(String usernameTo, ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Method for returning the correct chat dialog.
 void JogreClientApplet.getPropertyDialog(ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Delegate method for popping up a game property dialog box
 void IJogreClientGUI.connectOK(ClientConnectionThread conn)
          This method will be called when a client has connected sucessfully.
 ChatPrivateDialog IJogreClientGUI.getChatPrivateDialog(String usernameTo, ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Return a private chat dialog.
 void IJogreClientGUI.getPropertyDialog(ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Return a property dialog.

Constructors in org.jogre.client.awt with parameters of type ClientConnectionThread
JogrePropertyDialog(Frame owner, String title, boolean modal, ClientConnectionThread conn)
JogreClientPanel(ClientConnectionThread conn, IJogreClientGUI jogreClientGui)
          Constructor for a client frame.
ChatPrivateDialog(JFrame owner, String usernameTo, ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Constructor for loading a private message in an application.
ChatPrivateDialog(String usernameTo, ClientConnectionThread conn)
          Constructor for loading a private message in an applet.
ChatGameComponent(ClientConnectionThread conn, int height)
          Constructor for a message component.