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Features (API)
Last Updated: 31st Oct, 2005, 11:47 GMT



The JOGRE API has been designed so that functionality which is common to all (or almost all) types of games is taken care of. This functionality includes organising users, table lists and player lists within tables. The API also deals with player chat which can be global, private to a table or private to an individual user.

The following diagram visually shows the package structure of the JOGRE API. The package structure has got simplier in alpha 0.2 with three main package for holding client classes, server classes and common classes which both the client and server make use of. The main package is the org.jogre package which most other packages exist under. However the JOGRE API is also packaged with the TableLayout jar file from clearthought (in yellow) which the org.jogre.awt package uses extensively and the XML parser NanoXML (in brown) which is used for sending communication in XML form.

Arrows are used to show the dependencies between packages. Most dependencies are in one direction to keep coupling low, except the awt & client packages (although the client to awt communication is achieved using interfaces).


  • info.clearthough.layout - TableLayout manager which provides the power of GridBagLayout but is much easier to use.
  • nanoxml - Very small XML parser which is used primarilaly for communication object serialization.
  • Common Packages
    • org.jogre.common - Contains classes which are used both in the server and a client. These are mostly data classes such as TableList, Table, UserList, User, PlayerList, Player etc which store details on users and tables currently being played. It also contains the important JogreModel class which is used to store the state of a game on client and on a server (optional).
    • org.jogre.common.playerstate - The state of a player is stored as classes in this directory (state design pattern). These states include viewing, seated, ready to play and game started.
    • org.jogre.common.util - Contains a number of utility packages which most of the other packages make use of. These include singleton classes which are used for loading properties/language labels. Also includes common file utilities and a small logger.
    • org.jogre.common.comm - Contains 2 interfaces and a number of communication classes. Most communication between a server and a Client is transferred as Comm objects.
  • Client Packages
    • org.jogre.client - Contains a number of classes specific to a JOGRE client.
    • org.jogre.client.awt - Contains various GUI components used in the creation of the JOGRE interface. Most of the key classes in the JOGRE API are in this package.

Key Classes

A number of key classes exist in the JOGRE API. These key classes are abstract and need to be extended to be used. Also some of the classes contain abstract methods which must also be implemented. This pattern of creating an application is known as the Template Design Pattern - a programmer fills in the bits which are specific to his specific game - the rest is already done in the API classes. The naming convention is usually to replace the word Jogre with the name of the game. i.e. JogreModel becomes ChessModel.

Package Class/Interface Name Synopsis


This abstract class declares the main game frame where a user can see users of the left, tables on the top right and a broadcasting style message chat box on the bottom right. To create a new client frame for a game, such as Chess for example, a class called e.g. ChessClientFrame extends this class and implements 2 abstract methods for returning the correct JogreTableFrame class (e.g. ChessTableFrame).


The important JogreTableFrame which is where each game is played. Each time a new table is created one of these frames appear. This class creates the buttons at the top of the screen, the player list at the bottom left and the message chat box on the bottom right. The main game area is set in the sub classes e.g. ChessTableFrame using the setGamePanel (JPanel) method.

To use this class a class must extend it e.g. ChesTableFrame. Its fields must include a data model (JogreModel e.g. ChessModel), a view of the data (JogreComponent e.g. ChessBoardComponent) and a controller (JogreController e.g. ChessController) for understanding mouse movements etc on the view.

The constructor in the sub class should initialise these MVC fields and MUST call the setMVC (model, view, controller) method as this class makes use of these.


This class creates the view in the JOGRE MVC (model/view/controller) architecture. This class extends a JComponent and also implements the Observer interface. By implementing the Observer interface a change in the model (JogreModel) which calls the JogreModel.refreshObservers () method will automatically repaint this class.

Mouse/keys events can listened on using a JogreController which is set using the setController method of this class.



Adapter game controller class which creates empty methods for the MouseListener, MouseMotionListener and KeyListener event interfaces. This class also contains a link to the JogreModel, a connection thread to the server and also a JogreComponent where the mouse movements/key presses are taking place on.

To use this controller a class must extend it e.g. ChessController and then override one of its event methods, update the correct model and send communication to other users. To use the controller on a JogreComponent, a JogreComponent calls its public void setController (JogreController controller) method.



Abstract base class for table messages. This class is used for creating communication objects between games e.g. CommExecuteChessMove.

From alpha 0.2 it is only necessary to create objects for very complex games as communication properties can be used.



Abstract class which holds the state/model of a particular game when extended. This class extends the Observable class so that JogreComponent classes can update themselfs depending on changes made in this classes.

For a very simple example, to create the model for a game of tic-tac-toe a class TicTacToeModel should extend this class and add a 3x3 two dimensional int array i.e.

int [][] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}.

All of these key classes (with the exception of CommTableMessage) must be extended from the JOGRE API to create a new game. The following UML diagram shows how a game of chess can be created using the JOGRE API. The classes on the bottom are the chess classes and the classes at the top are from the JOGRE API / Java SDK.


The ChessClientFrame class contains a main method which when executed, creates a JFrame with the various users, tables and global chat on the screen. This screen generally doesn't change from game to game i.e. ChessClientFrame contains very little code. When the new table button is clicked a ChessTableFrame is created which is the key class of a game. The parent class JogreTableFrame creates buttons at the top, a player list and table chat on the bottom.

The actual game of chess is rendered in the middle of screen and is created in JOGRE using a MVC (model/view/controller) style architecture. The chess board in the middle (ChessBoardComponent) is created from an AbstractBoardComponent which can be used to easily create game boards (i.e. is also used to create a checkers board). The ChessModel contains data relating to a game of chess including an integer array of size 64 (8 by 8 cells of a chess board). Example values of the array are: 0 = Empty, 1 = White Pawn, 2 = White Knight etc. The ChessBoardComponent registers with the model so that every time the ChessModel changes the board will refresh itself with the pieces in the correct position.

The ChessController controls the ChessBoardComponent i.e. listens to mouse events and updates the ChessModel if a move has taken place. The JogreController also has a link to the TableConnectionThread and can inform the server that a move has taken place and keep other clients in synch.

This is a very brief introduction / summary of what is required to create a JOGRE game. A much more indepth look, with full source listings and UML diagrams is available in the various tutorials.

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Copyright 2004-2006, JOGRE API and JOGRE Games, by Bob Marks