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Features (Introduction)
Last Updated: 12th Nov, 2005, 15:32 GMT



JOGRE is a Java based client/server games engine which allows the creation of game clients and server parsers. To illustrate JOGRE in action the following labelled image shows a JOGRE server and two clients, Dave and Bob.

At the top of the image is a screenshot of a server running in a DOS command prompt (1) Under the server is a screenshot of 2 chess clients, Dave (2) and Bob . These are currently programmed as Swing JFrames. The client window is composed of a list of all the users currently logged on (3), a list of all the tables currently being played (4) and a global message chat window (5) where users can broadcast messages to each other.


A user creates a table frame (6) by clicking on the "New Game" button which brings up another window. In the screenshot user Bob has created a table, which the user Dave has joined.

When both players Bob and Dave have sat down (sit button) and requested to start (start button) then the game begins. When a player sits down this is updated on the player list (7) on the bottom left of the screen. The two players can chat to each other using a table chat window (8). The actual game itself is displayed in the middle of the screen (9) and this is the only bit that differs from game to game i.e. the JOGRE API takes care of the rest of the user/table logic and GUI interface.

Other functionality which JOGRE provides is the ability a user to send a private chat message to another player. To do this a user selects another user from the list (3) and then clicks the message button. The following screenshot shows Dave having a private message with Bob.


Tables in JOGRE have the ability to be either public or private. If the table is public then any user in the system can join this table (using the "Join" button) and play. However, if a table is declared as private then only users which are invited can join (using the "Invite" button).


This is the basics of what JOGRE is about. The beauty of the API in JOGRE is that when a new game is created all this functionality previously discribed exists in the API and only game needs to be worried about. The API is discribed in more detail in the next section.

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Copyright 2004-2008, JOGRE API and JOGRE Games, by Bob Marks